Bhuj can be reached by road, air and train from different parts of the country. To travel within and around the city, local transport facilities like auto-rickshaw and buses are used.
Reach Bhuj by Road
It is easy to travel to Bhuj by road especially from major cities of Gujarat. Traveling by buses is convenient though it is slightly expensive as compared to train journey. The State Transport Buses ply from ST Bus Stand that is located in the center of the town. From here buses are available for Ahmadabad, Rajkot, Jamnagar, Mandvi and many other places in Gujarat. You can get interstate buses for the cities of Mumbai and Jaisalmer. By taking a bus till Palanpur from Bhuj, you will get connecting buses to other places of Rajasthan like Abu Road, Jaipur, and Ajmer etc. Apart from the government bus services, huge numbers of private bus service operators have their buses running from Bhuj.Here is the list of approximate fare of ST buses from Bhuj:
- Bhuj - Mandavi, 30 minutes, Rs. 22/-
- Bhuj - Rajkot, 6 hours, Rs. 97/-
- Bhuj - Jamnagar, 8 hours, Rs. 120/-
- Bhuj - Ahmedabad , 8 hours, Rs. 115/-
- Bhuj - Mumbai, 18 hours, Rs. 450/-
Some of the private bus service providers from Bhuj are MK Tours, Hemal Travels, Shjanand Tours, Patel Tours and others. Regular buses are there between Bhuj and surrounding villages.
Reach Bhuj by Rail
Bhuj can be reached by rail from various other parts of the country. The nearest railway station of Bhuj Old Town is the New Bhuj Railway Station located about 1 KM north from the town. The reservation office of this station remains open from 8 AM-2 PM and then 2:15 PM-8 PM from Monday to Saturday. On Sunday, the counter remains open from 8 AM-2 PM. Bhuj Railway station belongs to the Western Railways. Bhuj station is the last station of the Western Railways. The total numbers of trains passing through Bhuj are 10 and it has 3 railway platforms.The station is located about 1 KM north of the town. The important trains passing through this railway station are Kutch Express Ala-Hazrat Express, Pune-Bhuj Express and Bhuj-Bandra Express. Apart from getting tickets from the railway reservation counter at the station, you can also book railway tickets through the recognized travel agents.
Reach Bhuj by Air
Bhuj can be reached by air as it has its airport named Shyamji Krishna Verma Airport. Initially the airport was constructed to be used as a military base by Indian Air Force. Then two bunkers were constructed so that the airport could be used for the civilians and the airport started functioning in the year 2003. Since then regular domestic flights run between Bhuj and Mumbai.During the devastating earthquake of 2001 in Gujarat, this airport was used as the shelter where victims were provided food and medicines. The Indian Airlines has four weekly flights running between Bhuj and Mumbai.
Local Transport in Bhuj
To travel within the town and also to reach the nearby areas of Bhuj, you can hire taxi or auto-rickshaw. Taxis and auto-rickshaws on share are also available. Taxis can be available from The STC Bus Stand of Bhuj.Auto-rickshaws are used to travel within Bhuj City and around. The approximate fare to the airport is Rs. 30/- and to the railway station is Rs. 20/-. Bicycles and scooters are also available on rent. You can get them outside the bus stand. The approximate charge for cycle rent is about Rs 3/hour or Rs. 20 /day. The charge for scooter rent is about Rs.200-300/day.
A very common mode of local transport in Bhuj is the shared rickshaws or Chakada. These are huge richshaws and can be shared by 8-10 people at a time. They travel in different routes and most of the travelers prefer these vehicles to travel to different villages around Bhuj Town.
Here are the different routes in which Bhuj Chakadas ply:
- Bhuj to GIDC via Desalsar Lake
- Bhuj to Lion’s Nagar via Kutch University
- Bhuj to Sun City via Leva Patel and Pramuk Swami Nagar
- Bhuj to Kukma via Madhapar and Bhujodi
- Bhuj to Mankuwa via Mandvi
- Bhuj to Raydhanpar via Nagor Road
- Bhuj to Loria via Palara
For large groups, traveling in and around Bhuj is comfortable if jeeps or chakadas are hired.