Bhuj Railway Station

Bhuj is very well connected to the major cities and towns of India through rail. Bhuj has daily, bi-weekly and weekly trains connecting the city to major places of Gujarat State as well as to the important cities and town of adjoining states like Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and rest of India.  Traveling to and fro Bhuj by trains is not only comfortable and enjoyable journey but it is very economical too.

Bhuj Railway Station

About Bhuj Railway Station

Bhuj has its nearest railway station named New Bhuj Railway Station located only 1 KM from the main city. From Ahmedabad, Bhuj has direst trains running on meter gauge tracks and Mumbai-Bhuj railway track is a broad gauge line. Bhuj Railway Station is part of Western Railways within Ahmadabad Junction. Bhuj Station is the last station of western railway.

The other railway stations near New Bhuj Railway Station are Ratnal Railway Station (26 KM from Bhuj), Kukma Railway Station (11 KM from Bhuj) and Anjar Railway Station (45 KM from Bhuj). Rajkot Railway Station is the nearest major railway station of Bhuj. The weekly frequency of Bhuj Station is 48 and it has 4 tracks and 3 platforms. Nearest airport of Bhuj Railway Station is Bhuj Airport located about 2-3 KM from the railway station. Passengers can avail taxi services or state buses to reach town. Chhakadas are also there for the convenience of passengers as it could be shared too.

Trains Passing Through or Connecting Bhuj

Here is the list of trains that pass through Bhuj or has Bhuj as its destination or source.

Trains Passing Through Bhuj Railway Station

Train Name: Dadar to New Bhuj Superfast Express, twice weekly
Train Number: 12959
Arrival Time: 5.40 PM
Source: Dadar in Maharashtra
Destination: Bhuj
Total Distance: 990 KM

Train Name: New Bhuj to Dadar Superfast Express, twice weekly
Train Number: 12960
Departure Time: 6.30 PM
Source:  New Bhuj
Destination: Dadar in Maharashtra
Total Distance: 990 KM
Days: Monday, Thursday

Train Name: Palanpur Bhuj Passenger
Train Number: 59426
Arrival Time: 10.55 PM
Source: Palanpur Junction, Gujrat
Destination: Bhuj
Total Distance: 358 KM

Train Name: Sayaji Nagari Express
Train Number: 19115
Arrival Time: 7.25 AM
Source: Bandra Terminus in Maharashtra
Destination: Bhuj
Total Distance: 840 KM
Days: All days of the week

Train Name: Sayaji Nagari Express
Train Number: 19116
Departure Time: 10.15 PM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Bandra Terminus in Maharashtra
Total Distance: 840 KM
Days: All days of the week

Train Name: Kutch Express
Train Number: 19132
Departure Time: 7.50 PM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Bandra Terminus in Maharashtra
Total Distance: 840 KM
Days: All days of the week

Train Name: Kutch Express
Train Number: 19131
Arrival Time: 9.25 AM
Source: Bandra Terminus in Maharashtra
Destination: Bhuj
Total Distance: 840 KM
Days: All days of the week

Train Name: New Bhuj to Pune Ahimsa Express
Train Number: 11091
Departure Time: 8.30 AM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Pune Junction in Maharashtra
Total Distance: 990 KM
Days: Wednesday

Train Name: Pune to New Bhuj Ahimsa Express
Train Number: 11092
Arrival Time: 3.20 PM
Source: Pune Junction in Maharashtra
Destination: Bhuj
Total Distance: 990 KM

Train Name: Bhuj Palanpur Passenger
Train Number: 59425
Departure Time: 6.10 AM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Palanpur Junction Gujarat
Total Distance: 358 KM

Train Name: New Bhuj to Bareilly Ala Hazrat Express (via Ahmedabad)
Train Number: 14312
Departure Time: 12.25 PM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh
Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday

Train Name: Bareilly to New Bhuj Ala Hazrat Express (via Ahmedabad)
Train Number: 14311
Arrival Time: 2.00 PM
Source: Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh
Destination: Bhuj

Train Name: Bareilly to Bhuj Ala Hazrat Express (passing through Bhildi)
Train Number: 14321
Arrival Time: 10.21 AM
Source: Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh
Destination: Bhuj
Total Distance: 1412 KM
Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday

Train Name: Bhuj to Bareilly Ala Hazrat Express (passing through Bhildi)
Train Number: 14322
Departure Time: 4.20 PM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Bareilly in Uttar Pradesh
Total Distance: 1412 KM

Train Name: Bhuj to Shalimar Weekly Superfast Express
Train Number: 22829
Departure Time: 1.40 PM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Shalimar Station Kolkata
Days: Tuesday

Train Name:
Bhuj to Bandra AC Superfast Express
Train Number: 22904
Departure Time: 3.05 PM
Source: Bhuj
Destination: Bandra Terminus in Maharashtra
Days: Monday, Thursday, Saturday

Railway Ticketing Agents Bhuj

Train tickets can be reserved at Bhuj Railway Station counters during the stipulated time on weekdays and weekends. Tickets can also be obtained through travel and tour agents by paying reasonable fees.

Trains from Bhuj

Here are the details of different railway ticket agents of Bhuj.

  • Arihant Tours & Travels, Chhathibari Ring Road
  • Paleja Travels, Hamisar Talav
  • Jain Tours & Travels, Staydarshan Complex
  • Hariom Tours & Travels, Near Viram Hotel
  • Hemal Travels, Near Bus Station
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